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Chick update

by: Jolene

Chick update: We finally had some pip and hatch on day 22. We were still hatching on day 24! Out of 25 eggs, we ended up with 14 live chicks, although 1 isn't looking good a few days later. When we took out the rest of the eggs (could not hear anything) they were all mature. So sad. I'm thinking our thermometer was a little off (temp too low) and that the positioning was a little off. They started to peck out of the pointy end or the middle. We thought we had them pointed end down enough...lots of learning for the first time.
We have a different incubator ready to hatch in a few days and the ends are in a turner pointy end down. When I take the turner out tomorrow, that shouldn't affect the positioning at this point right? I don't want the chicks getting caught in the plastic holes everywhere.
The other chicks are adorable and doing well in the house with a 100 w bulb for some heat.
Thanks so much

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