Fill Your Chicken Waters With The Best Water Possible

Chicken waters: It’s a fact your chickens need fresh water. Why do you think it’s okay for you to have fresh filtered water and not your pets. We all love our chickens and want them to live happy healthy lives.

Do You Want Healthy and Happy Chickens?

Then why are you letting them drink water infused with chemicals and other contaminates. If you are filling your chicken waters from your municipal water supply you are slowly killing your chickens. How do I know this? Because I bought a Berky water filter and when I first used it I could not believe all the garbage that was filtered out. No wonder so many people and pets are getting sick. It started me thinking if this water was good enough for me then my pets should be drinking this as well.

Why is Municipal Water so Bad?

There is bacteria, cysts, parasites and unhealthy chemical contaminates such as Chlorine which can reach levels higher than 99.9 percent in both well water and public water systems. 60 percent of the U.S. municipal water is fluoridated and contrary to popular belief fluoride is not healthy for you at any level. Frequently these contaminants produce unpleasant tastes and odors. Even bottled water, which many times originates from a municipal source can contain these same contaminants, and moreover it is very expensive and causes considerable harm to the environment.

Why Berky?

Berkey Water Filters remove all of the bad stuff leaving only the good through a gravity fed process. Berkey water filter systems are different from all of the other filtration systems because they significantly reduce fluoride and arsenic when using the “PF” line of filters. Berkey can even purify untreated raw water from lakes, streams, and ponds. Due to the fact that the Berkey water filters do not require electricity and are portable, they become a lifesaver during times of flooding, loss of electricity and other life threatening emergencies.

Once you see whats filtered through a Berkey you will never fill your chicken waters with unfiltered water again. Your chickens will thrive with clean filtered water. Another great thing is that Berkey is made in the U.S.A., been in business for years and have customers all over the world such as UNICEF, The Peace Corps, The Red Cross, and even the Royal household in England.

This is The Best Part

Each Berkey filter lasts up to 3,000 gallons of water. This is much longer than the majority of water filters on the market. At 10 gallons per week this equates to more than 11.5 years of healthy clean drinking water for your chicken waters. 1 gallon of Berkey water costs just 1.7 cents. If you include the fluoride and arsenic filter, 1 gallon of Berkey water costs just 7 cents. Just think how much money you will save by not buying bottle water for your pets and yourself. Not to mention how much safer you will feel eating eggs that do not contain arsnic!!

So if you are tired of pouring water into your chicken waters and not knowing what's in it, it's time to put your trust in Berkey Water Filters. 


Amanda wrote: "Husband and I were interested in the Berkey for ourselves, but sold on it for our pets. We had a hard time reconciling the incredible amount of chemicals we had unwittingly forced on our critters through the years, and feel we made a great investment. Bonus that we also drink the water; it tastes truly clean. Now that we have our first chicks, it's all we've given them since we first got them two weeks ago."

Andy wrote: "Jen and I have had our Burkey Water Filter for about 4 years and love it! We also have Travel Burkeys for when we are on the road."

Meg wrote: I have a Berkey too! I have the plastic one that I use specifically for my yard birds! They have been drinking the water for about 8 weeks now and I can tell a distinct difference in their overall feather quality and health. They also don't seem to be getting as many health issues where as before I noticed a couple of them would sneeze and cough quite frequently.

My Berkey filters a lot of water at a time. It has been well worth the investments for my pets.

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