The Silver Laced Wyandotte

The Silver Laced Wyandotte is the workhorse of the dual purpose breeds. The Silver Laced were the first variety to come about of this breed and still one of the more popular today.

Wyandotte Facts

Class: Standard American Bantam Rose Combed, Clean Legged

Size: Standard Male: 8.5 Ibs. / Standard Female: 6.5 Ibs. Bantam Male: 30 oz. / Bantam Female: 26 oz.

Comb, Wattles & Earlobes: Rose Comb, low and firm on head. Well rounded, moderately long wattles with oblong earlobes. All are bright red.

Color: Beak is always in shades of yellow and may have some dark striping on upper mandible. Eyes are reddish bay and the shanks and toes are yellow.

Barred: Standard Barred plumage. 

Birchen: Head is white to silvery white. Standard Birchen plumage. 

Black: Standard black plumage. 

Black Breasted Red: Standard black-breasted red plumage. 

Blue: Standard blue plumage.

Silver Laced Wyandotte

Blue Red: Standard blue-red plumage.

Brown Red: Standard brown-red plumage.

Buff: Standard buff plumage.

Buff Colombian: Standard buff Colombian plumage.

Columbian: Standard Columbian plumage.

Golden Laced: Male: Had, hackle, and saddle are golden bay with a black stripe down the middle. Front of neck, breast, and body are reddish bay with narrow black lacing. Back is rich golden bay. Tail and wings are primarily black with some golden bay highlights. Female: Golden bay head. Hackle is black with golden bay lacing and shaft. Remainder of body is golden bay with black lacing. Tail is black.

Lemon Blue: Standard lemon blue plumage.

Partridge: Standard partridge plumage.

Silver Laced: Male: Head, neck, and saddle are silvery white with black stripe down the middle. Cape is silvery white. Breast, body, wings, legs, shanks, and outer toe feathers are silvery white with lacing of black. Tail is primarily black. Female: Head is silvery white. Hackle is silvery white with a black stripe. The rest of the body is silvery white with black lacing. Main tail feathers are black.

Silver Penciled: Standard silver penciled plumage.

Splash: Standard splash plumage.

White: Standard white plumage.

White-Laced Red: Male: Primarily rich red laced in white, except main tail feathers are white. Female: Primarily rich red laced in white.

Place of Origin: United States

Conservation Status: Recovering

Special Qualities: A great dual purpose breed that is extremely cold hardy.

The Wyandotte breed was developed in the 1870's by four breeders from Massachusetts, Michigan, and New York.

They first named the breed the American Sebright, but when the breed was accepted to the APA they decided to name the breed after the place it originated like many other truly American breeds. The name Wyandotte is named after the similarly named Indian tribe of the area.

The roots of the Silver Laced Wyandotte are somewhat uncertain as the breeders did not keep records. Experts seem to agree though that breeds such as the Dark Brahma and the Spangled Hamburg were included in the mix.

The Silver Laced Wyandottes have a well-rounded body that is supported by stout legs. Many people use these birds for show, but they are very effective meat and egg birds. A dressed Wyandotte will be very similar in size to the Cornish Rock bird that is found at the stores today.

The Wyandotte was first admitted to the APA in 1883.

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