Training a rooster to crow less
by Judith
(Port Hadlock, WA)
Training a rooster to crow less: Is it possible to train a rooster or group of roosters to reduce the frequency of their crowing? I love them dearly and would like them to remain my pets forever, however the cacophony can occur several times every minute and continues long into the night.
They are cageless and hang out around the house so the decibel level and frequency of those shrieking crows is excessive enough to qualify as overwhelming, especially for others.
It is as if I am choosing to practice self-induced torture, I now have pets (nine lovely roosters) who frequently torment me from dawn to dusk, and my boyfriend actually uses earplugs for some peace and quiet.
I cannot justify the expense or act of de-crowing them, so I really need a different solution and am still hoping to train them to put a lid on it, however so far no success.
Do you know of any sure-fire methods?
Answer Well, I think what you are experiencing is exactly what it’s like to live with so many roosters around the house. What you are describing is their natural behavior.
You haven’t said if you have any hens. One of the reasons roosters crow is to call hens. Another is to claim territory. Roosters are most beautiful creatures, indeed! It’s unnatural for them to live in a bachelor group. I know of no way to train them not to
crow, or not crow as much.
I think you need to be realistic about what you have and not expect the unrealistic from these boys. If they have a bunch of hens to lead around and breed and take care of they may be more quiet more of the time.
But you would need a huge group of hens to keep so many boys happy and not competing and fighting over hens (about 5 per rooster).
I only know of one breed of rooster that doesn’t crow; they are Frizzled Cochin Bantams. For some reason the crow got bred out of most of them when the frizzled feathers got bred in.
I highly suggest you start finding some good pet homes, with hens, for some of your boys, like 7 of them, and get 10 or so hens to keep your two favorite roosters happy and occupied.
Your boyfriend will thank you, the roosters will thank you and I believe you will enjoy your chickens rather than feeling tortured by them.
As time goes on all these boys will not be so happy together. I can guarantee you that as long as they are alive and well, they will crow, and as they continue to mature they will probably start fighting, picking on the weakest ones and do physical harm, because they are naturally territorial. (Maybe you have hens, but I think your boys are loudly trying to tell you something.)