
by Zois
(Magnolia Texas)

I have a 8 month old astrolope that just started walking on her hocks. She has been fine. She is still eating and does not want to drink. Her face is a bright red. I brought her in the house and started her on chick starter for the vitamins. I soak it down with her vitamin and antibiotic water. I have her on Tylan. This is the second evening that I have had her on it. I resently had a plymouth rock go down over night too.

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Dear Zois,

I'm sorry to read of this problem with your chickens. This sounds like a disease of some sort, but it's very hard to diagnose a specific disease through the internet. You would need to get your girl to a good poultry vet for an accurate diagnosis. Hopefully this will not spread through your flock. It's always good to isolate sick chickens from the flock for their safety and the safety of the rest of the flock. Often by treating chickens with anti-biotics and TLC, you can learn more of the symptoms. If this girl recovers, you may have more clues as to what specifically went wrong. Chickens may be ill for a while before they show any signs. They keep up a normal appearance as long as they can, then they will often crash quickly. I hope this girl responds well to the treatment. Sounds like you are doing all you can for her.

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