If you have any questions about raising chickens or chicken diseases , ask them here.

When you have questions you about raising chickens. baby chicks, chicken coops, chicken breeds - or anything else related to raising your own chickens - ask them here.

We have over a 1000 questions that have been asked by our raising chicken fans. If you would like to see the answers to these questions click here.

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    One of the most common questions I'm asked is...

    "How do I choose the best chicken coop plans?"

    I've been asked this question so many times that I decided to take time out to preview a couple coop plan resources.

    If you're in need of chicken coop plans that are truly helpful then take a look as I simplify the process for you.

    Or, click the image below to read my review...

    chicken coop plans

    Questions about raising chickens

    I will not guarantee that we will answer your question. I am looking for questions that have not been previously answered. We are trying to build a database of different questions to help you with your chicken needs. You can search our database of questions Below to see if you can find a similar chicken question and answer.

    Raising Chicken Questions Other People Have Asked....

    Click below to see recently asked questions.

    Have 15 chickens in a coop/run, one hen refuses to leave her nesting box and is looking weak, not sure which one is having giant puddles of poo! (as big …

    My daughter has a 5 Mo barred rock she has a wart like bump at the top corner of one of her eyes. I have 10 chickens all together, it doesn't seem to affect …

    Is this a sign or symptoms of Gumboro disease or what might be the cause?

    I have 5 hens and 1 rooster all from the same clutch, 3 months old. ALL birds are Lively, play, run, fly, drink plenty & eat WELL... The hens all have …

    very sick hen 
    I have a hen that has been isolated for over 2 weeks now..my whole flock was infested with lice, that has been taken care of, however this particular hen …

    Our Plymouth Wyandotte cook is 22 weeks old and never laid an egg. Her comb has turned yellow.

    I have 7 chickens. One of them has a flopped over pale comb and now it's starting to sneeze all the time. She still eats fine not sure if laying. I only …

    I had a chicken die about a week ago. Her comb had flopped over and she had severe diarrhea. At first I thought it was from old age, but now one of my …

    He have 5 road island red chicks hatched in an incubator. When the chicks were put to bed last night they all seemed happy and healthy. This morning one …

    Hi I have a small chicken maybe 4-6 weeks old. Was sick yesterday with blocked backside. Washed it down and cleared it. Today it is very weak and has …

    Mr. Grey, the Bantam Rooster, Sick 
    My Bantam rooster "Mr.Gray" Has started acting sick like. He mostly just stands there like he's cold. With his head kinda tucked down. He's very weak. …

    hen turns into rooster 
    I have 3 chicks 83 days old, one of them is a rooster(I could see that a month ago) the other 2 were hens. It seems like just over night the hens have …

    Bobberly eggs

    Question Bobberly eggs - One of my chickens has laid a strange egg it has all bumps on it, this is the 1st time is there anything wrong with her? …

    Chick with a Blister

    Question: Chicken with a blister: I got 2 chicks from the primary school yesterday. Even though I checked them over I missed the one with a blister …

    Chicken Burrowing

    Question Chicken Burrowing: Are chickens supposed to burrow in the dirt? Answer Chickens don't really burrow in the dirt as much as they scratch, …

    Introducing new hens

    Question Introducing new hens: I have three hens already who all sleep in one chicken coop, I have another chicken coop and want to get 3 to 4 new …

    Hen has lost voice

    Question Hen has lost voice: We have a 3 year old hybrid who appears perfectly healthy, i.e. eating & drinking normally and getting into mischief …

    Sick Barnevelder Chick

    Question: Sick Barnevelder Chick: I have a six month old Barnevelder pullet who is not right. I first noticed something was wrong when her right wing …

    Mean Chickens

    Question: Mean Chickens: We have (did have) 6 chickens that were in a good size pen with a small turkey. The chickens have been pulling each others …

    How to Free Range?

    Question How to Free Range? This spring I raised nine sweet little fluff balls into adult hens (and one loud rooster)and love them! Within just …

    Saving A wounded Chicken 
    Question: Rescue Hen with Strange Ailment: I am new to hens and have one hen from a batch obtained in the last 3 weeks that has an unusual ailment. …

    Sexing Barred Rock Chickens

    Question Sexing Barred Rock Chickens: How do you tell the difference between a young barred rock hen and a young barred rock rooster. They are almost …

    Water and Sugar for Chickens 
    Question: We have heard from other growers and farmers that if we put sugar in the water it gives the chickens energy is this true? Doing this, …

    URGENT Can mother hen brood the chicks? 
    Question We are new chicken keepers. We bought two fertilized eggs to put under our broody hen. One of the eggs hatched yesterday. The surrogate …

    Click here to write your own.

    Chicken feeling bad

     Not rated yet
    Question Chicken feeling bad: 1. Breed of chicken Americauana 2. How old is the chicken 1 yr 3. List all symptoms Limping Lethargy Loose …

    Danish Brown Leghorn

     Not rated yet
    Question: Danish Brown Leghorn: I have a 7 week old danish brown Leghorn that is having trouble walking. It started about a week ago and I thought …

    Sick Broilers

     Not rated yet
    Question: Sick Broilers: I have 12 broilers and 17 Rhodes Island Reds and 4 Dominiques. All are about 10 weeks old. I feed them chick starter and …

    Keeping Water for Chickens From Freezing Not rated yet
    Question: Dehydration: I have a few chickens and I leave some smaller ones in a big box inside. My roommate put them out side after I left with no food …

    Mixing Species

     Not rated yet
    Question: Mixing Species: We have what we believe is a Catalana hen. A friend is looking for a home for an Araucana hen. Our Catalana has been …

    Introducing Chickens with Different Ages Not rated yet
    Question Replacing hens: I have chance to buy 2 month old hens of the same breed I already have. Are they old enough to put in with the older chickens …

    Seven hens and Six eggs

     Not rated yet
    Question Seven hens and Six eggs : We have eight chickens which were hatched 5/12/10: four Barred Plymouth Rocks, (three hens, one rooster); and four …

    Mean Mama Chicken

     Not rated yet
    Question Mean Mama Chicken: I work at a living history site that keeps a small flock of Bantam chickens, which we let range free around the site. …

    Click here to write your own.

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